Friday, 3 April 2009

When in a situation- a difficult one!

If you find yourself asked to do something you don't want to do on the wards/theatre/clinic, here is somethings you can do..

1. Stand up to your consultant/ registrar and tell them you don't think it's right and you feel uncomfortable about it ( I personally would not have the guts to do this)
2. Pretend to be ill/ not yourself/ not up to the task
3. Wonder out loud how ethical the situation is
4. Pretend to be confused/ignorant of the laws/ethics applying to the situation ( this is particularly good, because you aren't laying blame on your senior but on yourself but you'd make them think about it too)
5. Kindly decline ( though I doubt this would go down well in the later years)
6. Get on with it and seek counselling after

1 comment:

  1. one might be inclined to suggest a prophylactic swig of courage before trying 1-5, and maybe at higher therapeutic doses to get you through 6.

    Also, maybe you have ideas on what to do when you run into your consultant while shopping for barely-there shorts??
